


Being a programmer is no longer a specialized skill, and you can learn exactly how it’s done with coding games. Not only is learning how to code useful for job opportunities, but it’s a fun skill to learn and can open up your creative side. Learning a new skill is a lot easier when it’s fun, which is why coding games have become so popular in recent years. If you’re new to coding, you’ll find several games that are based around tutorials. CodeCombat even has a ‘classroom' edition where you can learn the basics about computer science, web development and game development. Robocode was developed for skilled coders looking to sharpen their skills. You program robot tanks that fight each other using real languages like Java, Scala, C# and more. Plus, some coding games are great for when you want to learn a specific code or language, such as VIM Adventures. Here you can learn how to use VIM, an unusual but powerful text editor that will teach you how to make your coding more efficient. Coding games are incredibly popular because they bring boring textbooks to life. Instead, you can learn in a fun environment that’s live in front of you, showing your results as you go. Levels in these games are also incredibly short, so you can learn in small, manageable chunks. Plus, many games start you with the very basics, before introducing advanced levels where you can test what you learned. On Luyengame, our coding games are free, unblocked and presented in HTML5. They run on any browser or device, so you can sharpen your skills wherever you are. You’ll also get great instructions, so you can learn quickly and improve your programming skills in minutes.